Introductory Word

These opened web pages contain my own non-professional photos of mainly Czech butterflies taken in wide open space. Families on the left also include some photos of butterflies taken abroad (Spain, Armenia), because species of these butterflies can be seen, sometimes only theoretically, in Czech nature, too. My object is to create an integrated survey of Czech butterflies based on the list of butterflies in web site. Some species of butterflies, originally inhabiting the area of present Czech Republic, can't be seen here, because they became extinct. Some species of butterflies are only temporary migrants from surroundings areas and a number of species living in small local territories is close to extinct. Nevertheless, also these species partially have their own pictures, taken of course mostly abroad. Up to this day (2.7.2024) I have taken 148 pictures of butterflies (from total 171 according to web site), that belong to Czech fauna. At the same time, I am able to take better pictures of previously photographed butterflies.

The "Other Butterflies" reference contains photos of foreign butterflies that can't be seen in Czech Republic today and probably couldn't be seen in the past, too, or represent foreign subspecies and forms of our butterflies. These photos are introduced only as the information about some foreign butterflies that everybody can see abroad.

The click on thumbnails of butterflies (selected from Families) will open larger thumbnails of chosen butterfly in this window. The click on these larger thumbnails will enlarge the photo accross the screen.
The click on species of butterfly (selected from "Druhy českých denních motýlů") will open llarger thumbnails of chosen butterfly in this window. The click on these larger thumbnails will enlarge the photo accross the screen.

For determination of butterflies I have used mainly, and, web pages, several atlases of butterflies and the kind help of Mr. Jiří Beneš, Mr. Marek Vojtíšek and Mr. Jan Šumpich. Nevertheless, it is possible, that some of species of butterfly is not determined well. In such case, please, contact me on address.

During the functioning of this web pages, besides of adding of pictures of butterflies, I have also added, in my opinion, very interesting lists and texts in Czech language, such as etymologic interpretation of nomenclature of butterflies in Palearctic area or biographies of famous former lepidopterists (entomologists). By the way, in my opinion, the career full of sea-changes of Carl Linné should be successfully picturized and awarded by an Academy Award. Other, no less interesting biographies of famous lepidopterists, are continuosly added.

All Czech language explorers will be pleased with really detailed analysis of evolution of Czech names of Czech day butterflies that I have created based on studies of period books and other historical sources. The text part of this analysis is completed with well arranged table, mapping Czech names of Czech day butterflies by each author in the year of edition of their historical publications.

Also all remarks to this web pages, please, send to address mentioned above.

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No text and photographs displayed on this website should be reproduced without author's written permission.